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4 Questions To Ask Before Giving Birth
So, your estimated due date is closing in, and despite having all this time to prepare you still have multiple questions about the impending birth – and what happens afterwards. You’re not alone! The process of having a baby can be overwhelming, and we’re often faced with many decisions we [...]
Your Ultimate Guide to the Third Trimester of Pregnancy
Having a baby is a major commitment. With a baby to nurture, you can be sure that many changes will take place in your life. No one said being a mother is going to be easy, but it doesn’t have to be a nightmare as well! By making the necessary [...]
Cord blood banking is one of the most exciting medical developments in the last decade. However, as it can be relatively new to most parents, there are a lot of misconceptions about this state-of-the-art technology. If you’ve heard about the benefits of banking your baby’s umbilical cord but aren’t quite [...]
Banking Cord Blood and Cord Tissue: How does it work, and what does it mean for me and my baby?
Cord blood transplants have been around for more than 30 years1 with Cord blood being used in over 40,000 transplants2 globally, but parents are still learning about the life-long benefits of banking their baby’s precious Cord Blood and Cord Tissue. As parents, we will do anything in our power to protect the [...]
There’s a beautiful baby on the way, and you and your partner are getting ready for parenthood – but you have no idea where to begin! Don’t panic – this is completely normal, and almost no one has any idea what they are in for when they first start this [...]
How much does Cord Blood Banking cost?
As you prepare for the impending birth of your newborn baby, you must be faced with many different decisions. One question that may have popped up is whether should you be storing your baby’s umbilical cord blood. For most, the choice is dependent on the overall cost of Cord Blood [...]