
Frequently Asked Questions

What is in cord blood that is so important?2022-04-24T07:38:42+00:00

Cord Blood is the blood found in the baby’s umbilical cord following the birth of the baby. It contains a rich source of Haematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) and makes up the building blocks in our blood and immune system throughout our life.

Why does StemCord refer to it as Cord Stem Cells instead of Cord Tissue?2022-04-24T07:39:51+00:00

Cord Tissue refers to the actual umbilical cord itself, which contains an abundant source of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs). At StemCord, with CultureFIRST, we take the extra step to culture these MSCs from the umbilical cord tissue and store them as Cord Stem Cells.

Who is suitable for Cord Blood Banking?2022-04-24T08:01:19+00:00

Storing cord blood is suitable for every mother unless your gynaecologist has cautioned you of a difficult or complicated pregnancy. Cord blood banking is particularly useful and advisable for the following groups of people as a form of biological insurance:

Families with a history of blood disorder and cancers
Cord blood banking potentially offers stem cell transplant as an extra treatment option.

Small families and single child families, mothers with difficult or late pregnancies, or sub-fertile couples
As the child may be the only child and hence will not have any donor if he develops any disease that requires a stem cell transplant.

Couples of Different Ethnic Groups
It will be difficult for these couples to find a donor from public cord blood banks as the genetic constitution would be very different.

The First Born Child
It is advisable to bank cord blood for the first born as we will not know if subsequent pregnancies will be successful. If the first born turns out to be the only child, he will not have any siblings to depend on for blood stem cells, should he require any.

Why are blood stem cells useful & valuable?2022-04-24T08:03:11+00:00

Blood stem cells, most often found deep in the bone marrow and in the peripheral blood circulation, are the factory of the blood system. They are crucial for stem cell transplants (SCT). SCT is a very important treatment option for many blood disorders and cancers. Hence, various blood stem cell banks have been set up across the world to provide potential blood stem cell donors. These stem cell banks are in the form of bone marrow registries and cord blood banks.

What are the advantages of using cord blood stem cells compared to bone marrow?2022-04-24T08:22:02+00:00

Painless & Safe Collection Blood stem cells from cord blood are easier to harvest. The harvesting process does not pose significant risk* to both mother and child. Harvesting blood stem cells from the bone marrow requires general anaesthesia, which entails some health risks. Bone marrow harvesting also involves some pain, as opposed to no pain at all with cord blood harvesting.

Readily Available
The stored cord blood stem cells are always readily available. This is a potential advantage as we do not waste precious time searching for potential blood stem cell donors. In some conditions, e.g. Aplastic Anemia,  stem cell transplant timing is critical and having some blood stem cells readily available is very important and can minimise disease progression.

Easier to Match
Stem cell transplants using cord blood has less Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD) and is, therefore, less risky for the recipient. This is because cord blood stem cells are less mature than those from the bone marrow and peripheral blood, and can successfully be used even when there is only a half-match. Due to lower GVHD risk, cord blood transplants can be attempted even if there is no perfect HLA matching. In private cord blood banking, the stored blood stem cells are kept for the individual. In view of the above, the stored cord blood stem cells can potentially be used for other family members.

*To ensure the quality and safety of the cord blood collection, each doctor and hospital staff involved is required to undergo procedural training. However, please note that for every collection there is still a risk of breach of confidentiality, coercion to donate, a needle stick and emotional and ethical issues associated with the collection, storage and use of the cord blood unit.

How long can cord blood stem cells be stored?2022-04-24T08:04:53+00:00

Today, scientifically it is proven that the storage of cord blood can stretch over 23 years. Many studies have shown that as long as it is properly stored, Cord Blood can be stored indefinitely.

Should I bank cord blood for all my children?2022-04-24T08:05:49+00:00

Each child’s cord blood stem cell sample is unique. Saving the cord blood for each of your children will help ensure that an exact genetic match is available. In addition, it increases the likelihood of a useful match between family members.

Can my baby’s cord blood be used for him / herself?2022-04-24T08:07:02+00:00

Your baby’s stored cord blood stem cells are a perfect match for your child.

Can my baby’s cord blood be used for his siblings?2022-04-24T08:27:05+00:00

Your baby’s cord blood can potentially be used for other family members, especially siblings. This is because we can still use the stem cells, with up to two antigens mismatches, in cord blood transplants.

What is a HLA match?2022-04-24T08:07:42+00:00

The Human Leukocyte Antigens need to be perfectly matched in usual stem cell transplants. These antigens are present in white cells and are responsible for rejection or Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD). Matching refers to the proteins called Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) that appear on the surface of white blood cells and other tissues in the body. These six HLA points, or loci, determine tissue compatibility between a patient and a donor. Although a perfect match would be best, studies have shown that cord blood transplants can be successful, even when only four of the six loci match. With cord blood, the immune cells are less mature than those in bone marrow, and therefore siblings are twice as likely to be able to use each other’s cord blood, compared to bone marrow.

Does the hospital need to provide any materials for collection?2022-04-24T08:08:19+00:00

After enrolment with StemCord, you will receive a cord blood collection box to be brought along to the hospital on the day of delivery. A collection kit that contains all the items your doctor needs to collect your baby’s cord blood is being placed at the hospital and will be issued to you upon your admission.

How is cord blood collected?2022-04-24T08:09:51+00:00

Cord blood collection is a procedure that usually takes less than five minutes immediately after delivery and can be performed in utero or caesarean deliveries and for multiple births. After your baby is born and the cord has been clamped and cut, the blood will be drawn from the cord before it is discarded. StemCord use the bag collection method to collect the cord blood into the collection bag.

Are there any risk to the mother or baby during cord blood collection?2022-04-24T08:12:42+00:00

The collection of cord blood is a safe, painless, and quick procedure. Since cord blood is only collected after your baby has been safely delivered, and the procedure carried out by your attending physician, it does not pose significant risk to you or your baby. It also does not affect the care of both mother and child during the delivery itself.

To ensure the quality and safety of the cord blood collection, each doctor and hospital staff involved is required to undergo procedural training. However, please note that for every collection there is still the risk of breach of confidentiality, coercion to donate, emotional and ethical issues associated with the collection, storage and use of the cord blood unit.

Are there any ethical issues relating to the collection of cord blood?2022-04-24T08:13:24+00:00

Unlike stem cells taken from embryos, there are no ethical issues involved in the collection or usage of stem cells from cord blood. If cells from this source are not stored, the blood is discarded, and hence valuable stem cells will be lost. Collection of these unique cells will only be possible and available at the time of birth of the child.

What diseases are treatable with cord blood?2022-04-24T08:14:06+00:00

To date, there are over 80 diseases* that can be treated with stem cell transplantation. Research is being conducted using stem cells for treatment in cellular repair and regeneration.


How much cord blood stem cells can be collected from the umbilical cord?2022-04-24T08:14:39+00:00

The amount of stem cells that can be collected varies from baby to baby, depending on whether they are small babies or there are thin cords. The amount of stem cells that can be extracted in turn depends on the volume of cord blood collected and the cell count.

Is the amount of cord blood stem cells collected sufficient for use?2022-04-24T08:15:15+00:00

It is important to maximise the volume of cord blood that can be extracted from the umbilical cord and the number of stem cells that can be eventually collected. The cell count obtained can vary due to a variety of reasons, such as premature or multiple births, and complications during delivery.

Can I do Delayed Cord Clamping if I want to collect Cord Blood?2022-04-24T08:16:41+00:00

You can delay cord clamping if you are storing cord blood privately for your family

Delayed cord clamping allows blood in the umbilical cord to flow to your baby. This will happen in the first 30-60 seconds* after birth. Waiting beyond that will decrease your ability to get a cord blood collection.

*Delayed clamping of the umbilical cord after delivery and implications for public cord blood banking. Allan DS et al. Transfusion. Mar 2016; 56(3):662-5. doi: 10.1111/trf.13424 Timing of Umbilical Cord Clamping and Impact on Cord Blood Volume Collected for Banking. Rodica Ciubotariu, MD PhD, Dec. 2016

How will my baby’s cord blood be sent to your laboratory?2022-04-24T08:17:20+00:00

Our transport personnel will pick up your cord blood sample from the hospital. The cord blood sample will then be delivered to our laboratory for processing and storage.

When was the first Cord Blood Transplant?2022-06-14T10:00:20+00:00

The first successful cord blood transplant was performed in 1988, on a five-year old boy with Fanconi Anaemia, while the first cord blood bank was established in 1992. In Singapore, StemCord has been operational as a private autologous cord blood bank since 2002. Today, thousands of families have chosen to bank their baby’s Cord Blood Stem Cells with StemCord.

What is the future of Cord Blood Stem Cells?2022-04-24T08:18:47+00:00

Cord blood has been used in thousands of transplants for children and adults around the world. Research has demonstrated that cord blood stem cells can differentiate into other types of cells in the body.

The regenerative qualities of stem cells have been brought to the forefront in the field of cellular repair. Stem cells have been labelled an important biological resource and researchers are conducting more and more studies to unlock the potential of umbilical cord blood stem cells in future applications for diseases like Alzheimer’s, brain injury, cerebral palsy, corneal regeneration, diabetes, juvenile diabetes, heart and liver disease, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injury, and stroke.

New uses for cord blood stem cells are being discovered rapidly. However, banking cord blood does not guarantee that the cells will provide a cure or be applicable for every situation. The treating physician will determine the ultimate use. The use of cord blood stem cells for emerging treatments is experimental. Please consult your physician.

What should I do if I need to retrieve the cord blood stem cells from StemCord?2022-04-24T08:40:34+00:00

Should the need arises, call StemCord’s 24-hour hotline at 0917-7129921 and we will make the necessary arrangements.

What is the difference between Cord Blood and Cord Tissue banking?2022-04-24T08:28:56+00:00

Cord Tissue contains a rich source of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs)which differentiates into bone, cartilage, fat, heart, liver, muscle, and nerve tissues and have immunomodulatory functions that can “correct” an abnormal response. Cord Blood, which contains a rich source of Haemopoietic Stem Cells(HSCs) differentiates into blood components such as red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.

Today’s research indicates that Cord Blood and Cord Tissue work differently to heal the body. Banking both cord blood and cord stem cells can comprehensively protect your child and family.

What is Cord Tissue Banking?2022-04-24T08:30:13+00:00

Cord tissue refers to the actual umbilical cord and contains a rich source of Mesenchymal Stem Cells These stem cells have the potential to develop into a wide range of cells and tissues, such as bone, heart, nerve, muscle cornea, fat and cartilage tissues.

At StemCord, we culture these MSCs from the umbilical cord tissue and store them as Cord Stem Cells.

What are the uses of cord stem cells?2022-04-24T08:31:14+00:00

Cord stem cells are a key focus for scientists due to their regenerative potential. Early results of trials in the field are reported to be promising.

There are more than 1,000 clinical trials underway for Stem Cell therapies and treatments*. With rapid advances in stem cell research, treatment methods using cord stem cells have the potential to change and save lives.

* https://stemcellres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13287-016-0325-0

Can my baby’s cord stem cells be used for his siblings?2022-04-24T08:32:11+00:00

One of the most beneficial traits of cord stem cells is that they can be generally recognized as immune evasive and safe when used in an allogenic treatment*. This means that your child’s cord stem cells can potentially be used not only for his/her sibling but also for parents and even grandparents.

Saldanha-Araujo F, Melgaço Garcez E, Silva-Carvalho AE, Carvalho JL. Mesenchymal Stem Cells: A New Piece in the Puzzle of COVID-19 Treatment. Front Immunol. 2020;11:1563. Published 2020 Jul 3. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2020.01563

Can I store cord stem cells only?2022-04-24T08:32:52+00:00

You may store only the cord stem cells. However, we would also encourage you to take up cord blood banking too because the blood stem cells retrieved from cord blood provides better coverage for the treatment of blood-related diseases whereas cord stem cells are needed for regenerative treatment.

What are the criteria for Cord Stem Cells that cannot be stored?2022-04-24T08:33:29+00:00

StemCord is not able to accept samples that fungal/bacterial culture positive and when there is no cell growth.

How does StemCord store my baby’s cord stem cells differently from other banks?2022-04-24T08:34:15+00:00

Research has shown that culturing the stem cells before storage increases cell yield 8x more* than the cells yielded from segmented frozen tissues.

Unlike other banks that store the umbilical cord as a whole or in segments, StemCord takes the extra step in culturing the stem cells prior to cryopreservation to ensure the harvest of quality. This extra step is known as CultureFIRST.

The CultureFIRST process takes place in an ISO Class 5 Clean Room to prevent any possible contamination. The harvested Cord Stem Cells are then placed in a single cell suspension and mixed with cryoprotectant before undergoing cryopreservation.

*Briddell R, Litkenhaus F, Foertsch G, Fuhrmann A, Foster K, Falcon Girard K, Fiscus B, Boehm A, Brown M, Pettit M, Rigas Bridges A, Nichols K, Fodor W and Kraus M. Recovery of viable MSCs isolated from fresh umbilical cord tissue, measured after cryopreservation, is on average 8-fold higher when compared to recovery of viable MSCs isolated from previously cryopreserved umbilical cord tissue. Study sponsored by ViaCord. ASH Abstract submitted 2011 Aug. 11.

Why is CultureFIRST important?2022-04-24T08:35:00+00:00

With CultureFIRST, you can be assured of

Higher cell count: Yield up to 8x more* than the cells yield from frozen tissue.

Readily available for treatment: Your Cord Stem Cells are readily available as soon as they are needed. This differs from other banks that choose to store whole or chopped Cord Tissues without culturing the Stem Cells prior to storage. Extra time will be required to process the stem cells prior to treatment.

Further possibilities for your future: The Cord Stem Cells can be further multiplied with a culturing process if the therapy (for certain conditions) require larger doses of cord stem cells.

*Briddell R, Litkenhaus F, Foertsch G, Fuhrmann A, Foster K, Falcon Girard K, Fiscus B, Boehm A, Brown M, Pettit M, Rigas Bridges A, Nichols K, Fodor W and Kraus M. Recovery of viable MSCs isolated from fresh umbilical cord tissue, measured after cryopreservation, is on average 8-fold higher when compared to recovery of viable MSCs isolated from previously cryopreserved umbilical cord tissue. Study sponsored by ViaCord. ASH Abstract submitted 2011 Aug. 11.

What should I do if I need to retrieve the cord stem cells?2022-04-24T08:41:09+00:00

Should the need arises, call StemCord’s 24-hour hotline at 0917-7129921 and we will make the necessary arrangements.

How does StemCord store cord blood?2022-04-24T08:44:01+00:00

We store the cord blood sample in multiple cryo units. Each unit is specifically designed for long-term cryogenic storage at low temperatures and have a long history of proven dependability and flexibility for future use.

Will the 2 Bags, 2 Locations system increase the risk of contamination?2022-04-24T08:44:49+00:00

We store the cord blood sample in 2 cryo units and in 2 different storage locations. Each unit is hermetically sealed and there is no possibility of cross-contamination.

StemCord uses a double-containment storage system, which is designed to eliminate the potential risk of cross-contamination during long-term storage.

Cord Blood: Processing of your cord blood stem cells are carried out within a closed system by the Sepax2 machines, therefore containing the possibility of contamination.

Cord Stem Cells: Processing of your cord stem cells are carried out in an ISO 5 Clean Room that ensures a sterile environment necessary for cell, culturing and processing.

Can I choose to store in more than 2 Bags?2022-04-24T08:45:27+00:00

Yes, you may with an additional cost for the bag but it also depends on the cell count you obtained.

What technology does StemCord use in the lab?2022-04-24T08:46:11+00:00

Industry-Preferred Cryogenic Freezing Bags
StemCord stores your Cord Blood and Cord Stem Cells in a CryoStore™ Freezing Bag, the leading safe method to preserve blood components when cryopreservation is indicated.

Advanced Processing Technology
StemCord uses the Sepax® 2 fully automated system for Cord Blood Processing, an FDA approved fully-automated closed system processing technology that ensures consistency and accuracy.

Vapour Phase Liquid Nitrogen Storage Tanks
StemCord uses a Vapour Phase Liquid Nitrogen Storage Tank to store your cord blood samples.
A Vapour Phase Storage Tank stores cord blood samples in the vapour created above the liquid nitrogen, rather than directly in the liquid nitrogen. Studies have shown this advanced technology eliminates the risk of cross-infection, as the cord blood samples do not come in direct contact with each other*.


What guidelines or regulations do you follow?2022-04-24T08:48:46+00:00

StemCord is a private Cord Blood Bank that has been audited and by the Ministry of Health (MOH), Singapore.
We are also accredited by NetCord-FACT, a recognised and prestigious international accrediting organisation that is specific for Cord Blood Banks.
We are proud to have been awarded NetCord-FACT accreditation in 2011, 2014, 2017, and for a fourth time in 2021.

StemCord uses the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) 128 Standard coding and labelling system, which was developed for blood and blood-related products to improve quality, safety and traceability in blood banking.

Will storing cord blood stem cells in 2 bags affect the number of cells stored?2022-04-24T08:49:23+00:00

Having your baby’s cord blood stem cells stored separately will not reduce the cell dose and compromise the treatment outcome of future treatments. This is because when you store with a private cord blood bank, all the cord blood units belong to your child for your family’s own use.

Source: (Rubinstein, P. (2009) Cord blood banking for clinical transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 44. pp. 635-642)

Where are the stem cells stored?2022-04-24T08:50:02+00:00

StemCord stores your baby’s cord blood stem cells separately at two storage facilities in Singapore. Our facilities operate under controlled conditions to guarantee the safety and sterility of cord blood samples.

For added security, our two storage locations are fitted with environmental monitoring systems and are monitored 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. There are also communication systems that maintain constant contact with our technicians while monitoring the laboratory and storage areas.

Will I receive confirmation that my baby’s cord blood stem cells have been successfully stored?2022-04-24T08:50:44+00:00

After receiving your baby’s birth certificate, a StemCord certificate will be issued and mailed to you for the successful storage of your baby’s cord blood.

How do you protect my baby’s stem cells against potential contamination?2022-04-24T08:51:43+00:00

StemCord uses a double-containment storage system, which is designed to eliminate the potential risk of cross-contamination during long-term storage.

How do you protect my baby’s stem cells from potential mix-up with other samples?2022-04-24T08:52:32+00:00

When you enroll with StemCord, your baby’s collection kit is assigned a unique identifier, and this same identifier always remains with your baby’s cord blood kit, paperwork, and sample. This identifier is marked and attached to each cryo unit, and these units are stored in a designated location. Each cord blood sample received is handled only by a single dedicated laboratory specialist right through the various processing stages.

Why is there a requirement of at least 200 million cell count to store cord blood?2022-04-24T08:53:27+00:00

StemCord has implemented at least 200 million cell count to sustain an approximate weight of a 10kg recipient. You can still decide whether you want to continue even if it is a low cell count case.

What are the criteria for cord blood stem cells that cannot be stored?2022-04-24T08:54:03+00:00

StemCord is not able to accept samples that are HIV positive, bacteria and fungal culture positive.

When was StemCord incorporated?2022-04-24T08:57:01+00:00

StemCord is an autologous, private cord blood bank that is licensed by the Ministry of Health (MOH), Singapore that became operational on 6 March 2002.

What are StemCord’s accreditation?2022-04-24T08:57:40+00:00

StemCord is a private Cord Blood Bank that has been audited and licensed by the Ministry of Health (MOH), Singapore.
We are also accredited by NetCord-FACT, a recognised and prestigious international accrediting organisation that is specific for Cord Blood Banks.

We are proud to have been awarded NetCord-FACT accreditation in 2011, 2014, 2017, and for a fourth time in 2021.

What is the difference between StemCord and other banks?2022-04-24T08:58:13+00:00

StemCord is founded by a group of renowned medical doctors who are proficient in the stem cells field.

Two Bags, Two Location: StemCord stores your Cord Blood and Cord Stem Cells in 2 bags and in 2 different storage facilities. This extra bag and storage location gives an added assurance to our clients in the event of any unforeseen circumstances to happen to your collected cord blood sample is stored in only 1 bag and 1 facility.

CultureFIRST: StemCord processes the entire umbilical cord before freezing the extracted cord stem cells. Studies have shown that extracting and culturing the stem cells before storage increases cell yield 8x more* than the cell yield from frozen tissue.

StemCord Bonus Covers: A holistic care and protection for you and your loved ones. When you entrust your baby’s Cord Blood with StemCord, you are protected by StemCord’s Bonus Covers which includes:

Affiliate company: StemCord has an affiliated company known as Stem Med (www.stem-med.sg) whose service is focus in adult stem cell banking and wholly own ISO 5 cleanrooms.

*Briddell R, Litkenhaus F, Foertsch G, Fuhrmann A, Foster K, Falcon Girard K, Fiscus B, Boehm A, Brown M, Pettit M, Rigas Bridges A, Nichols K, Fodor W and Kraus M. Recovery of viable MSCs isolated from fresh umbilical cord tissue, measured after cryopreservation, is on average 8-fold higher when compared to recovery of viable MSCs isolated from previously cryopreserved umbilical cord tissue. Study sponsored by ViaCord. ASH Abstract submitted 2011 Aug. 11.

How does StemCord store cord blood?2022-04-24T08:58:55+00:00

We store the cord blood sample in multiple cryo units. There is no possibility of cross-contamination as each unit are hermetically sealed. Each unit is specifically designed for long-term cryogenic storage at low temperatures and have a long history of proven dependability and flexibility for future use.

Why does StemCord choose to store in 2 bags and in 2 separate locations?2022-04-24T08:59:37+00:00

With promising developments in the field of Regenerative Therapy using stem cells, storing stem cells in 2 cryo bags provide the capacity for multiple treatments if needed.

We also take the extra step to split the cord blood units into 2 locations for added security and peace of mind.

Will storing separately affect the cell dose?2022-04-24T09:00:03+00:00

Having your baby’s cord blood stored separately will not reduce the cell dose and compromise the outcome of future treatments. This is because when you store with a private cord blood bank, all the cord blood units belong to your child for your family’s own use.

**Rubinstein, P. (2009) Cord blood banking for clinical transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 44. pp. 635-642

Where are StemCord’s storage facilities?2022-04-24T09:00:44+00:00

StemCord’s main processing and main storage facility is located in 100 Pasir Panjang Road. Our secondary storage facility is in TradeHub21.

What is the StemCord Bonus Covers, and how is it applicable to me?2024-01-15T06:44:13+00:00

When you sign up as a StemCord customer, your package includes additional protection for you and your loved ones with our StemCord Bonus Covers.

StemCord Transplant Medicare
Offers financial support to cover your medical expenses related to an Autologous Stem Cell transplant. *

StemCord QualityPlus
Provides a payout to cover the expenses associated with securing an alternative stem cell source for the child.*

StemCord AssuredPlus
Provides a confirmatory HLA High-Resolution Test, viability and CFU Assay on the Cord Blood unit(s) upon its release.*

StemCord Care21
Coverage for your child’s Cord Blood storage until they reach 21 years of age in the event of the passing of either biological parent.*

StemCord WorldWidePlus
Coverage of the third-party courier expenses for the transportation of the Cord Blood unit overseas for treatment.*

*Terms and Conditions Apply.

How long can I store my child’s cord blood stem cells for?2022-06-14T10:05:10+00:00

Today, scientifically it is proven that the storage of cord blood can stretch over 23 years. Many studies have shown that as long as it is properly stored, Cord Blood can be stored indefinitely.

Would the stored cord blood stem cells still be useful after so many years?2022-04-24T09:07:20+00:00

Stem cells that have been cryogenically preserved remain viable for decades. It has been confirmed that cord blood stem cells were still viable after being frozen for over 23 years.

Broxmeyer, H.E. Cell Stem Cell 2010; 6(1):21-24 Mazur, P. Science 1970; 168(3934):939-949 Nietfeld, J.J. et al. BBMT 2008; 14:316-322

What are the chances that we would have to use the stored cord blood stem cells?2022-04-24T09:07:47+00:00

A study has shown that the older we get, the higher the chances of cancer and the probability of having a stem cell transplant increases as well.

In the United States, 1 in 217* people will have a stem cell transplant by the age of 70. Hence, cord blood that you are storing from your child could potentially be used for an immediate family member in the future.

Source: Lifetime Probability of Stem Cell Transplant in USA: Nietfeld JJ, Pasquini MC, Logan, BR, Verter, F, Horowitz MM 2008; BBMT 14(3)316–322 doi:10.1016/j.bbmt.2007.12.49

What happens to the stored stem cells if we terminate the contract.2022-04-24T09:08:19+00:00

Upon confirmation that your account has been successfully terminated, clients can opt to either donate their stem cells to StemCord for research purposes or to arrange for the stem cells to be discarded as medical waste.

How can I check on my child/children’s stored stem cells with StemCord?2022-04-24T09:10:43+00:00

Just email us at customerservice@stemcord.com.ph or call us at (63) 8723-2333 and we would be able to check on your storage(s).

How do I retrieve my cell count report and StemCord certificate?2022-04-24T09:12:04+00:00

A set of the laboratory report will be sent to the client within 10-12 weeks from the child’s birth. If you have misplaced your cell count report or StemCord certificate, please email your request with your name as per NRIC and mobile number to billing@stemcord.com.ph

How do I retrieve my stored stem cells for treatment, if needed?2022-06-14T10:06:56+00:00

Please email us your passport name and mobile number to billing@stemcord.com.com.ph of your request.

What is the StemCord Bonus Covers, and how is it applicable to me?2024-01-15T06:44:08+00:00

All StemCord Cord Blood storages automatically come with the following bonus covers:

StemCord Transplant Medicare
Offers financial support to cover your medical expenses related to an Autologous Stem Cell transplant. *

StemCord QualityPlus
Provides a payout to cover the expenses associated with securing an alternative stem cell source for the child.*

StemCord AssuredPlus
Provides a confirmatory HLA High-Resolution Test, viability and CFU Assay on the Cord Blood unit(s) upon its release.*

StemCord Care21
Coverage for your child’s Cord Blood storage until they reach 21 years of age in the event of the passing of either biological parent.*

StemCord WorldWidePlus
Coverage of the third-party courier expenses for the transportation of the Cord Blood unit overseas for treatment.*

*Terms and Conditions Apply.

Read more here (link to bonus cover page)

I’ve stored my first child’s cord blood stem cells, should I store for my other children?2022-04-24T09:15:20+00:00

Each child’s cord blood stem cell sample is unique. Saving the cord blood for each of your children will help ensure that an exact genetic match is available. In addition, it increases the likelihood of a useful match among family members.

Why should I continue storing my child’s Cord Blood after 21 years?2022-04-24T09:15:59+00:00

There are many benefits and reasons why you should continue to store your child’s cord blood, such as:

1. A guaranteed match for autologous transplants (where the donor and recipient are the same individuals)
2. A readily available supply of stored stem cells in time-critical situations when transplant is required.
3. Lower risk of Graft Versus Host Disease for autologous transplants.
4. Umbilical cord blood stem cells are younger and no chance to obtain your child’s cord blood again should you require it.

What happens to our storage after 21 years?2022-04-24T09:18:07+00:00

When your child has attained the age of 21, you may arrange for the cord blood stem cells to be assigned to them. StemCord will inform you of the procedures.

Email us at customerservice@stemcord.com.ph if you have further concerns in this area.

Do you have a referral program?2022-04-24T09:19:34+00:00

Yes, we do have a referral program in place for our existing clients. Contact us at (63) 8723-2333 to find out more!

Can I transfer my storage to a public bank and why not?2022-04-24T09:20:38+00:00

The public bank does not accept cord blood that has already been stored in a private/family bank. Alternatively, you can choose to donate to StemCord for research and validation purposes.

How do I find out the outstanding/balance payment of my storage?2022-04-24T09:22:35+00:00

Please contact our billing department at (63) 8723-2333 to find out more.

I would like to pay for my storage fees upfront instead of annually, is this possible?2022-04-24T09:23:22+00:00

Yes, we do have advance payment plans available. Please contact our billing department at (63) 8723-2333 to find out more.

What are the payment methods available?2022-06-14T09:53:31+00:00

You may choose to pay via Credit Card through Paypal, Cheque, Internet Banking/Telegraphic Transfer, or Paypal. Find out more about the Payment Modes here.

Alternatively, you may head down to our sales offices to seek assistance or to make payment.

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your family’s health today!

Don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity
to preserve your baby’s cord blood stem cells!

Make the decision to safeguard
your family’s health today!

Don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity
to preserve your baby’s cord blood stem cells!

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